Why Do Energy Drinks Make Me Tired? (Revealed)

Why do energy drinks make me tired? Isn’t that shocking? Shouldn’t an energy drink give me energy rather than make me tired? Given that chemistry and biochemistry are complicated subjects, the answer is not so simple. This article will cover why energy drinks make you feel tired, let’s check it out to find out what makes energy drinks work, what energy drinks do to your body, and the long term effects of energy drinks.

What Are Energy Drinks?

What Are Energy Drinks? - Drinks that Give you Energy
What Are Energy Drinks? – Drinks that Give you Energy

Before we get into why energy drinks tire me out, let’s define energy drinks. Energy drinks are marketed to boost your energy levels and mental performance. As the name says, energy drinks are drinks that give you the energy or drinks that keep you awake

Caffeine, the primary energize, is present in all energy drinks, though the amount varies. Some popular energy drinks include Red Bull, Monster, Bang and 5-hour energy. Although each energy drink contains unique vitamins, minerals, and other active chemicals, there are a few ingredients that all energy drinks have in common, such as caffeine, taurine, vitamin B complex, and so on.

Why do Energy Drinks Make me Tired?

Why Do Energy Drinks Make Me Feel More Tired?
Why Do Energy Drinks Make Me Feel More Tired?
What Are Energy Drinks? - Drinks that Give you Energy
What Are Energy Drinks? – Drinks that Give you Energy

You’re suffering a panic attack and are anxious about not missing your deadline. It’s almost midnight, and you’re barely awake. Nothing sounds more appealing right now than pulling your favorite energy drink from the fridge, sipping it, and feeling energized and productive, but why do you instead feel sleepy?

Caffeine and sugar are the fundamental constituents in any energy drink, and they can rapidly revitalize you. This, however, is not always the case. One documented adverse effect of energy drinks is that they make users fatigued following a caffeine boost.

If you’ve had the same experience, you might be wondering why something designed to cheer you up would make you feel so miserable. Don’t worry, I’ve got all of the answers down here, so keep reading!


Caffeine - gives you a burst of energy
Caffeine – gives you a burst of energy

We’ve already mentioned the first possible explanation for why an energy drink makes us fatigued – caffeine. Caffeine gives you a burst of energy, allowing you to complete activities faster and think more clearly. However, it inhibits the effects of adenosine, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the induction of sleep.

You will not be fatigued or sleepy. But there’s a catch: this effect only works for caffeine newcomers. If you’ve been drinking coffee or energy drinks for a long period, you’ll get the opposite effect. Caffeine use on a regular basis alters your basic energy. As a result, your brain responds to overstimulation by creating more adenosine. So, after chugging that can of go-juice, you feel lethargic and exhausted. Caffeine will make you lose weight

Most energy drinks include roughly 80 mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a cup of coffee. In instance, a can of soda has roughly 29 milligrams on average.

Although it may not appear to be much, caffeine’s long-term effects outweigh its energizing effects. Caffeinated beverages produce alterations in your basic energy level. When you aren’t caffeinated, your body creates more adenosine, making you feel drowsy.

The other reason you are weary is due to dehydration. Because coffee is a diuretic, it causes you to use the restroom more frequently than other drinks.

You should drink plenty of water if you must consume them for whatever reason. The issue is that coffee drinkers are probably just sipping coffee throughout the day without thinking about hydration.

As you lose more water over the day, your blood thickens and slows down, making you feel lethargic. This is because thick blood has a more difficult time circulating through the body and delivering all of the energy-giving oxygen your brain and muscles require to perform properly.

When people experience these symptoms, they may just consume more energy drinks throughout the day. This may temporarily solve the problem, but it may also make you dependent, which is undesirable.

It should also be noted that these drinks are high in calories. This may end up harming your health even more when you eat more of these drinks to address the problems they are causing.


Why does sugar make me tired?
Why does sugar make me tired?

Does sugar make me tired? Yes, sugars are another reason we feel sleepy after drinking energy drinks. Why does sugar make me tired? First, let’s look at how much sugar is in a can of energy drink. An 8-ounce can of energy drink contains between 21 and 34 grams of sugar. That’s the equivalent of 4 to 6 teaspoons of sugar.


When combined with caffeine, the extra sugar in energy drinks provides a rush of energy. However, once the sugar high wears off, sugar makes you sleepy and depleted. This is why:

The quick rise in blood sugar levels reduces orexin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that keeps us awake and energized. Even after a dose of energy drink, you will feel fatigued. But that isn’t all. According to one study, decreased orexin levels may potentially contribute to obesity and other disorders.

Furthermore, processed sugar depletes the body of nutrients required for energy production. If your diet already lacks the nutrients your body requires to function properly, your energy will suffer.

The body obviously requires sugar to provide energy, therefore a certain quantity is constantly required, but that level must remain reasonably consistent. The issue is that some people consume too much sugar at once, causing the body to go into crisis mode in an attempt to rebalance the sugar content in the blood.

The body accomplishes this by overproducing insulin, which consumes too much sugar and causes you to feel tireder than before. This is commonly referred to as the sugar crash, although it is also known as hypoglycemia.

Of course, this crash is associated with a number of other symptoms that we felt you should be aware of in case you experience these types of crashes after consuming an energy drink. Some other symptoms are as follows:

  • Unknown cause of hunger
  • Irritation that appears out of nowhere
  • Unpleasant emotions
  • Anxiety that you are unable to control
  • Experiencing headaches or dizzy spells?
  • Sweating excessively
  • Having jitters or shakiness

Of course, many of these symptoms will make it difficult for you to concentrate or go about your typical day. Diabetes patients may have total loss of consciousness, making things even worse.

Aside from the two primary reasons stated above, we believe there is another issue connected to high blood pressure because energy drinks often contain significant amounts of caffeine, added sugars, other additives, and legal stimulants. These legal stimulants can raise blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

So does high blood pressure make you sleepy or tired? Some people may experience sleepiness as a result of high blood pressure. If addressed, high blood pressure can lead to a number of further issues that induce lethargy. 

While tiredness is a sign of high blood pressure, a lack of sleep may also raise one’s chances of having it. Furthermore, several high blood pressure drugs might cause lethargy.

How To Get Rid Of Tiredness Instantly?

How To Get Rid Of Tiredness Instantly? - Tips for You
How To Get Rid Of Tiredness Instantly? – Tips for You

Now that you understand why energy drinks make you weary, it’s time to put a stop to it. What you can do is as follows:

Make the switch to sugar-free energy drinks (or Other Forms of Caffeine)

If a sugar fall is causing you to feel drowsy after drinking an energy drink, there is a simple solution. Replace your favorite beverage with a sugar-free brand, or replace energy drinks for another sugar-free caffeinated beverage entirely. Coffee, tea, and sugar-free soft drinks are examples of such beverages.

Because the verdict on the long-term safety of energy drinks is yet out, switching to coffee or tea for your caffeine fix may also be beneficial for your general health. Experts advise limiting energy drink consumption to one can per day.

Find Out (and Honor) Your Caffeine Cutoff Time 

If caffeine is keeping you awake at night, you may believe you must eliminate it from your diet entirely. But there is another option. By determining your caffeine cutoff time, you may be able to enjoy caffeine — and all of its energy-boosting effects — while still falling asleep comfortably.

Your caffeine cutoff time is the time of day when you should stop drinking energy drinks — and taking caffeine from other sources — to allow your body ample time to process it all before going to bed.

This time will differ for everyone because it is determined by your circadian rhythm — the roughly 24-hour internal clock that governs your energy levels. So, while some people have a caffeine cutoff time around midday, others, such as night owls, may have a caffeine cutoff period around 2 p.m.

But it’s not just energy drinks. Other caffeine-containing foods and beverages to avoid include coffee, black and green tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. Even decaf coffee contains caffeine, but in lower concentrations.

Look for Natural Energy Boosters

If you’re avoiding energy drinks in the afternoon in order to sleep faster or earlier at night, try these caffeine and sugar-free pick-me-ups instead.

  • Get some physical activity: If it’s outside, the natural light will help you wake up even more.
  • Take a nap: 10-minute power naps can reduce fatigue and improve cognitive performance while also helping you pay off sleep debt. Just don’t nap too close to bedtime or you’ll have trouble falling asleep later.
  • Take a cold shower: The cold water will raise your heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism, providing you with an energy boost.

Drinking a lot of energy drinks not only makes you tired but also sleepy; how to get rid of sleepiness instantly?

  • Get plenty of rest at night: Avoid caffeine and sugar the last few hours prior to going to bed.
  • Lunch should consist of a combination of nutritious carbohydrates and high-protein foods.
  • If possible, do the most time-consuming component of your job in the morning.
  • Work exercise or go for a noon walk
  • Eat regularly throughout the day.
  • Relieve tension by exercising and/or meditating
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Energy Drinks To Try

Although energy drinks have the opposite effect on our health in that they make us feel weary if we consume too much, many of us find it difficult to get through the day without some kind of energy boost. Therefore, Energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular, particularly among teenagers. Here are the 4 most popular brands of energy drinks — let’s take a look!

Red Bull

Caffeine in Red Bull - How long does it take for Red Bull to kick in
Caffeine in Red Bull – How long does it take for Red Bull to kick in

For many of us, Red Bull is one of the best energy drinks to stay awake or power through a tiring long afternoon. But actually how long does it take for Red Bull to kick in and how long does Red Bull last ? For more details, Red Bull is a popular drink that takes effect after around 15 minutes and it might last for an hour. 

Caffeine in Red Bull can provide a short-term energy boost, while sugar can help you stay alert and focused. However, Red Bull shouldn’t be consumed on a regular basis because it has been shown in numerous studies to have negative impacts on health. Is red bull bad for you? The answer is definitely yes. It has been ascertained that the high sugar content of Red Bull can cause mental health problems such as insomnia, stress, and anxiety.

So, naturally, questions arise: how many red bulls is too many? or how many red bulls can I drink before I die? The current research implies consuming forty 8.4-ounce (260-ml) cans of Red Bull in a single day. 


Monster - caffeine-free energy drink
Monster – caffeine-free energy drink

Monster (190 mg) contains more caffeine than Red Bull (80 mg),implying that a can of Monster is significantly stronger than a can of Red Bull. The interesting fact is that Monster created Unleaded Energy Drink which is the first caffeine-free energy drink to allow consumers who don’t want caffeine to still enjoy their renowned beverage. If you are a caffeine-free person, you can consider this caffeine-free monster and other energy drinks with low caffeine.

If you’re wondering if Monster is bad for you, you’re also probably wondering which one is healthier, Redbull or Monster. Unfortunately, neither Red Bull nor Monster are widely regarded as being healthy, and they are not consumed for their health benefits. Are you curious how many monsters can you drink in a day? To avoid the negative effects of too much caffeine, limit yourself to one Monster per day. 


Without sugar, are Bangs still bad for you?
Without sugar, are Bangs still bad for you?

Despite the fact that it contains no sugar or calories, the Bang energy drink packs a whopping 300mg of caffeine. Given that one drink of Bang has about the same amount of caffeine as four cups of coffee, you will feel energized throughout the day.

Without sugar, are Bangs still bad for you?

The beverage contains several additives that we strongly advise consumers to stay away from, including artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and vitamin mixes. However, Bang Energy has a healthier formulation than some of the top energy drinks. If it is healthier than other energy drinks, how many bangs can you drink in a day?

You can drink one and a third cans of Bang Energy every day, but if you want to make it easy on yourself, limit yourself to one can per day. 

5-hour energy

Is 5 hour energy bad for you?
Is 5 hour energy bad for you?

5-Hour Energy is a brand of energy “shots” that function as a drink. This product, unlike many others on the market, is marketed as a supplement. We’re guessing you’re curious. Is 5 hour energy bad for you? Energy products such as 5-Hour Energy can be concerning when combined with other sources. 

Above are some different types of energy drinks to keep you awake. We hope this helps you find the best answer to problems like how long does an energy drink last, how many energy drinks a day, and how many energy drinks is too many?

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The Bottom Line

The truth has been revealed! You now have an answer to the question, why do energy drinks make me tired. It’s because they’re high in sugar and caffeine.

Energy drinks are beverages that intend to increase your energy level by providing you with a sufficient amount of caffeine, minerals, and vitamins. However, energy drinks can have opposite effects sometimes due to the presence of stimulants, sugar, and other such ingredients. It’s time to wean yourself off these beverages and appreciate the alternatives or remedies to mitigate their effects.

Above are the best sharing about “why do energy drinks make me tired?” from https://www.buddingstem.com/. Hope you are satisfied with this information.

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