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What Tea Helps with Bloating? 13 Herbal Teas Help Stop Bloating

Bloating is quite typical and affects a large number of individuals, both men, and women. You are not alone if your abdomen is painful, unpleasant, and full of gas. Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including nutrition, medical disorders, menstruation symptoms, and others. Although it is not causing concern, it can lead to discomfort in the digestive tract and abdomen. Herbal tea, on the other hand, can be an excellent holistic treatment for abdominal bloating. Many teas have been shown to reduce bloating, improve digestion, and relieve cramps. This article will give you a comprehensive answer to the question of what tea helps with bloating.

What is the main cause of bloat?

What is the main cause of bloat? Teas that help with bloating?
What is the main cause of bloat? Teas that help with bloating?

We all know how it feels, but what exactly is bloating? Bloating is ultimately caused by gas, air, and/or fluid retention in the intestinal tract and stomach. You may feel as if there is no room in your stomach when you are bloated. Your stomach is frequently full, painful, and tight. Swollen in some circumstances. Bloating, if you’ve ever experienced it, maybe both unpleasant and painful. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to stop bloating in its tracks.

For quite some time, digestive diseases have been on the rise. Indeed, it is believed that up to 15% of the world’s population struggles with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and food intolerances and allergies are becoming more common. Bloating is one of the symptoms shared by both of these illnesses.

Of course, a bloated stomach isn’t necessarily a sign of disease, but it is unpleasant and might interfere with our daily activities. In fact, studies discovered that the quality of life in persons with digestive disorders is comparable to that of people with clinical depression.

Digestion discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors, including: 

If your bloating and gas are caused by a functioning issue, you should seek medical attention. If bloating is caused by unhealthy habits or stress, making lifestyle adjustments can assist. Herbal tea for bloating is a tried-and-true method of alleviating gas and bloating in the majority of cases.

What Tea Helps with Bloating?

What Tea Helps with Bloating? Tea for bloating
What Tea Helps with Bloating? Tea for bloating

Herbal teas have been used for generations to improve digestive health and relieve digestive symptoms, and they are a popular treatment in traditional and alternative medicine. In this piece, we’ll look at some of the most popular teas that help with bloating so that you can try to locate the finest tea for your illness.

Ginger tea: Best Tea for Bloating

Does ginger help with bloating? Ginger is excellent digestive help and is the best tea for bloating. It has been used to treat a variety of digestive tract disorders since ancient times. It can successfully treat bloating and other digestive symptoms due to its prokinetic and promotility qualities. When taken before meals, it also stimulates digestive enzymes, minimizing bloating in the first place.

Furthermore, it boosts the body’s metabolic rate and facilitates regular excretion. It also reduces inflammation in the body, especially the intestines.

To make ginger tea, steep a half-inch slice of fresh peeled ginger in hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 30 minutes before a meal. You may also add little lemon juice to enhance the flavor.

Peppermint: Tea for Bloating Stomach

Peppermint: Tea for Bloating Stomach - does peppermint tea help with bloating
Peppermint: Tea for Bloating Stomach – does peppermint tea help with bloating

You may wonder that does peppermint tea help with bloating. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is extensively recognized in folk medicine for its ability to relieve stomach disorders. It tastes cool and refreshing. Flavonoids, which are contained in peppermint, have been shown in animal experiments to decrease the activation of mast cells. These are cells of the immune system that are plentiful in the gut and might cause bloating.

According to animal research, peppermint tea for bloating helps calm the gut, which may reduce intestinal spasms in addition to the bloating and pain that may accompany them. Peppermint oil pills may also help with abdominal pain, bloating, and other digestive issues.

Bloating has not been tested with peppermint tea. According to one study, a single tea bag provided six times the amount of peppermint oil as a serving of peppermint leaf capsules. As a result, peppermint tea could be rather strong. Peppermint tea is available as a single ingredient or in tea blends designed for stomach comfort.

To create the tea, combine 1 tablespoon (1.5 g) of dried peppermint leaves, 1 tea bag, or 3 tablespoons (17 g) of fresh peppermint leaves in 1 cup (240 ml) of hot water. Allow for a 10-minute steep before straining.

Fennel – Tea for bloating

Fennel has been examined for its several health advantages, but because you are here to de-bloat, we’ll concentrate on its gastro-taming abilities. Fennel aids in the removal of gas from the intestines as well as the production of bile by the body.  More bile signifies that your body is better able to break down fats, particularly dairy products, which are one of the leading causes of bloating. Can’t seem to find fennel tea? We propose crushing some seeds and steeping them in water. This is a helpful tea that helps with bloating!

Angelica root: Natural Remedies for Bloating

This tea is prepared from the roots of the celery-related Angelica archangelica plant. The herb does have a bitter taste that improves when steeped with lemon balm tea. Iberogast and other herbal digestion medicines contain angelica root extract. The bitter components of the herb may boost digestive fluids, promoting healthy digestion. Furthermore, animal and test-tube studies suggest that angelica root may treat constipation, which is a cause of bloating. More human study on this root is required in general.

According to some sources, angelica root should not be used during pregnancy because there is insufficient research on its safety. To make sure optimal care, please check your doctor before taking any herb during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. How to make a cup of this tea? 1 teaspoon (2.5 grams) of dried root per cup (240 ml) of boiling water is a standard serving of angelica tea. Allow steeping for 5 minutes.


Matcha teas that help with bloating
Matcha teas that help with bloating

Does green tea help with bloating? A big YES! This is the only “true” tea on this list: Green tea powder is used to make matcha. This robust tea boasts an earthy flavor, a darker green color, and, of course, caffeine (but it is less than in black tea). Among the several advantages of matcha are: It contains cancer-fighting antioxidants and boosts metabolism, making it effective for weight loss. In terms of bloating, research shows that green tea helps gastrointestinal health in a variety of ways, including improved food absorption and gas reduction.

Matcha is made differently than most teas because it comes in powder form. To prepare matcha: Scoop the powder into your mug, add hot water, and whisk quickly to remove any small lumps. There is nothing to strain; you receive the complete tea leaf, pounded into powder. Many people add milk to their green tea, so you may drink it like a latte or sweeten it to taste. So, next time you experience discomfort, use green tea for bloating!

Chamomile: Useful Tea for Bloating

Chamomile (Chamomillae romanae) belongs to the daisy family. The herb’s tiny white blossoms resemble little daisies. Chamomile is utilized in traditional remedies to treat diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting, gas, nausea, and ulcers. According to animal and test-tube research, chamomile may help prevent Helicobacter pylori bacterial infections, which induce stomach ulcers and bloating.

Chamomile is also a member of the plants found in the liquid supplement Iberogast, which has been demonstrated to aid with stomach pain and ulcers. Human research on chamomile tea is still required to demonstrate its digestive advantages. The main beneficial ingredients, including flavonoids, are found in chamomile flowers. Check to see if the dried tea is prepared from flower heads rather than stems and leaves. Pour 1 cup (240 ml) of heated water over 1 tablespoon (2-3 grams) of dried chamomile (or 1 tea bag) and simmer for ten minutes to make this lovely, somewhat sweet tea.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm - best tea for bloating
Lemon balm – best tea for bloating

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) tea has a lemony aroma and flavor, with traces of mint from the plant’s mint family. Based on its historic use, the European Medicines Agency states that lemon balm tea can treat minor digestive disorders such as bloating and gas.

Lemon balm is a prominent element of Iberogast, a liquid digestive supplement containing nine distinct herbal extracts that is available throughout North America, Europe, and other locations, as well as online. According to various human studies, this substance may help with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. However, the effects of lemon balm or its tea on digestive disorders in people have not been studied independently. More investigation is required. Steep 1 tablespoon (3 grams) of dried lemon balm leaves — or 1 tea bag — in 1 cup (240 ml) boiling water for 10 mins to produce the tea.

Liquorice: Good Tea for Gas Relief

This root is also commonly used in our region for a variety of reasons. This root, popularly known as ‘mulethi,’ is an excellent cure for digestive problems, stomach ulcers, and heartburn. It also aids in the reduction of water retention and bloating. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients such as flavonoids, which aid in the treatment of numerous stomach pains. Use this tea only after checking with your doctor, and do not consume it for longer than a week. Deglycyrrhizinated liquorice, or DGL, is used to make the tea.

Wormwood: Natural remedies for bloating

Say welcome to wormwood after turmeric root has served as the entrance spice into the land of bitter teas. This bitter herb is widely used to relieve indigestion as a tea. According to a 2015 research in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it’s among the most popular digestion-promoting bitters in Europe. Wormwood has a poor reputation due to thujone, one of the main active components and the principal active element in absinthe (or Malört, Chicago’s famous liquor). According to a 2010 publication in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, you’d need to consume between 2 and 20 cups of wormwood tea per day to exceed the permitted daily limit of thujone. When in doubt, consult with your doctor.

Gentian root

Gentian root tea that helps with bloating
Gentian root tea that helps with bloating

Gentiana lutea is a plant with yellow blooms and dense roots that produces gentian roots. The tea can first taste sweet, but it quickly turns bitter. Some folks enjoy it with chamomile tea and honey. Gentian root has generally been included in pharmaceutical goods and herbal teas to treat bloating, gas, and other digestive disorders.

Gentian root extract is also utilized in digestive bitters. Gentian includes bitter plant components, such as iridoids and flavonoids, that promote the production of digestive fluids and bile to aid in the breakdown of foods, perhaps alleviating bloating. However, the tea has not been studied in humans, and it is not recommended if you have an ulcer because it can raise stomach acidity. As a result, more investigation is required. Use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon (1-2 grams) of dried gentian root per cup (240 ml) of boiling water to prepare the tea. Allow steeping for 10 to 15 minutes.


Turmeric has been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time to address digestive issues, and it is another apparent bloat-buster in my opinion. Curcumin, found in turmeric root, promotes gallbladder activity, allowing the stomach to break down food.

Curcumin has been shown in lab experiments to persist in the digestive system for up to thirty minutes, and the additional study indicates that it can help people with colitis. You can drink it alone or combine it with other warming spices such as star anise, cardamom, and cloves to brew your own masala chai tea.


What tea helps with bloating: This is Hibiscus
What tea helps with bloating: This is Hibiscus

Beautiful hibiscus blossoms are more than just eye-catching. Hibiscus has a balancing impact on aldosterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining the kidneys processing water and salts effectively and retaining electrolytes in check. If you suffer from water retention, this is unquestionably the finest tea for bloating! This flower contains Vitamin C and antioxidants that can help the gut operate better, and studies show that it can suppress E.coli, a bacteria that trigger gas and bloating.

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds and oil can help with a variety of digestive issues, including IBS, discomfort, bloating, and GI spasms. Caraway seeds are quite potent! They have antibacterial qualities that may promote the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria in the gut, acting as a probiotic.

Surprising Facts About Bloat

Surprising Facts About Bloat
Surprising Facts About Bloat

While it’s widely known that overeating and eating too quickly cause bloat, there are more offenders in the bloat brigade.

Bloating Caused by Healthy Foods

Even the world’s healthiest nutrients can cause bloating. We stuff our faces with robust lentil salads and healthy grain bowls, only to discover we’re bloated. Some of the most serious culprits? Beans and cruciferous veggies. Veggies have a lot of insoluble fiber, which pulls fluid into your intestines. This causes bloating. Of course, the solution isn’t to avoid nutritious meals like vegetables; rather, consume them with healthy fats and protein, boil your veggies for easy digestion, and chew gently.

Ditch the Diet Foods for Better Digestion

There are several reasons to avoid diet foods. Sugar substitutes in fat-free and sugar-free foods are difficult for your stomach to digest. They remain in the bowel and pull in water, causing bloating. Even if your body is able to absorb the faux sugars, they will only produce additional gas. 

Get Moving: Sitting All Day Causes Bloating

Being more mobile leads to higher activity in the GI tract (which is a good thing!). As a result, sitting all day can result in a slower metabolism and even slower digestion. Hello there, constipation. Once you are backed up, you’re probably bloated. What is the treatment? Move. Purchase a standing desk, perform 20 squats between meetings, or take a fast stroll around the block before cooking supper.

5 Ingredients You Should Limit to Avoid Bloating

5 Ingredients You Should Limit to Avoid Bloating
5 Ingredients You Should Limit to Avoid Bloating

If you have bloating, diarrhea, congestion, eczema, or acne on a regular basis, you should reconsider your diet. Keeping a food record and noting your symptoms can be quite beneficial. That being said, because we are all bio-individuals, what causes your bloat will be different from mine. Take the information on this list with a grain of salt.

In any case, the following are universally beneficial ingredients to avoid for gut health:

Symptoms of a Digestive Disorder

Symptoms of a Digestive Disorder
Symptoms of a Digestive Disorder

So, how do you tell if your bloating is “normal” or if you have an underlying gastrointestinal problem? While this differs from person to person, the symptoms listed below are universal markers of an underlying gut problem. If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, talk to your doctor about them.

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Final Words about What Tea Helps with Bloating

These are only a few of the teas that can aid with bloating relief. So, if you’re experiencing bloating, give one of the above teas a try and see if it helps. You’re bound to find at least one tea that helps relieve bloating.

If the bloating persists after trying these drinks, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical concerns. Bloating, on the other hand, is usually an annoyance that may be alleviated with a simple cup of tea. So, the next time you feel bloated, try a cup of herbal tea rather than just antacids. Your tummy will be grateful!

Hope that these all infomation about what tea helps with bloating are useful for you!

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