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How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky?

After coloring, every woman has asked some questions like how to make bleached hair soft and silky. In this article, we provide all things you need to know to reach your goal.

It can be a bit risky to bleach hair. On the one hand, you might have beautiful, sun-kissed locks. On the other hand, you can end up with unmanageable, straw-like, dry hair.

Read on to know how to bleach hair at home without damage, how to fix damaged bleached hair, and find out the best tips on restoring overly bleached hair and over-processed and worn-out hair
Read on to know how to bleach hair at home without damage, how to fix damaged bleached hair, and find out the best tips on restoring overly bleached hair and over-processed and worn-out hair

Don’t give up if you fall into the latter camp. There are many ways to recover softness and silkiness from bleached hair. Read on to know how to bleach hair at home without damagehow to fix damaged bleached hair, and find out the best tips on restoring overly bleached hair and over-processed and worn-out hair.

What Is Hair Bleaching?

What Is Hair Bleaching: Way to bleach hair at home without damage
What Is Hair Bleaching: Way to bleach hair at home without damage

In order for the bleaching agent to penetrate the cortex or center layer of the hair, the cuticle, or the outer layer of the hair, must first be opened up by an alkaline agent. The oxidative agent can enter the hair cortex once the cuticle is open and dissolve the melanin, which is what gives your hair its original color.

Generally speaking, your hair would become lighter the longer the bleach is left on. But if bleach is left on for too long, it can harm your hair permanently and even cause it to fall out.

Bleaching not only damages your hair’s disulfide bonds and can lead to split ends and breakage, but it can also lead to protein loss and split ends. When enough of these ties are shattered, your hair may become hair loss in the shower, frizzy, dry, and difficult to manage. Moreover, it will be more susceptible to harm.

The good news is that seeing a professional stylist who uses the best product for damaged bleached hair will help to reduce any bleaching-related damage. It’s crucial to never use bleach hair at home and always contact a trusted professional.

In order to keep your hair soft, silky, and beautiful during the bleaching process, proper hair care is required. Unfortunately, improper bleaching can lead to the following;

Unfortunately, each bleaching session causes your hair to get more and more damaged. If you don’t take action to reduce this damage, your hair might become weaker and eventually fall out.

Best products for bleached hair: Best Bleach for Dark Hair: Top 10 Best Effective Bleaches

Move on to the following section to know what the damaged bleached hair looks like.

How Does Damaged Hair Look?

How Does Damaged Hair Look: Bleached hair
How Does Damaged Hair Look: Bleached hair

Damaged hair signs can be seen in bleached hair. To prevent reaching the point where your hair’s cosmetic bleached hair treatment, you must keep an eye out for these warning signs.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help repair the soft, silky quality of your bleached hair.

Here are some ways for maintaining bleached hair that will keep it soft and silky. So read on to find out how to take care of bleached hair, how to hydrate hair after bleaching, and how to make your hair healthy again if your hair feels like a straw after bleaching.

Best Useful Tips To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky

Best Useful Tips To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky
Best Useful Tips To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky

Avoid Heat Styling

Ways how to repair hair from bleach: Avoid Heat Styling
Ways how to repair hair from bleach: Avoid Heat Styling

Avoid heat styling is one of the ways how to repair hair from bleach. Your hair’s oils are stripped during the bleaching process, leaving your hair brittle, hard, and prone to breaking. The hair will break even more if it is exposed to more heat stress. Take a break from heat styling to avoid this. If you must use heat, set it to the lowest setting and let your hair air dry.

When possible, let your hair air dry; if you must use heat, set it to the lowest setting.

Take Advantage Of Hair Masks

Take Advantage Of Hair Masks: Deep conditioner for bleached hair
Take Advantage Of Hair Masks: Deep conditioner for bleached hair

Hair that has been bleached might feel straw-like, dry, or brittle. This means that your hair needs some TLC badly. And what hair mask for deep conditioning for bleached hair is a better way to achieve that?

An intensive conditioner for your hair that penetrates deeply into the hair shaft to repair damage from over-styling, over-heating, and over bleaching hair is what a hair mask or deep conditioner for bleached hair is.

How to add moisture to dry hair easily and conveniently? After bleaching, hair masks are a great way to restore moisture in your hair. In order to hydrate and moisturize the hair, look for hair masks that are filled with butter and the best hair oils for bleached hair. Shea butter, cocoa butter, olive oil, and argan oil are frequently featured in hair masks. They work well to hydrate dry, bad bleached hair right away.

Keep in mind that hair masks should be used very away after washing your hair to restore hair oils lost after shampooing. Hair masks should be freely applied to your hair and covered with a cap for 20 to 30 minutes.

The hair cuticle will be helped in opening up by sitting under a dryer, letting the ingredients to penetrate the hair strands more deeply.

DIY Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Apply two tablespoons of heated coconut oil to your damp or dry hair. Wear it overnight by covering it in a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt. Rinse the mask off with your preferred shampoo for bleached hair in the morning, then allow it to dry completely. We advise wearing this mask for at least seven hours even if you don’t plan on sleeping in it.

Here is some of the best hair mask for bleached hair.

Olive Oil and Honey Hair Mask

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey should be well mixed. More olive oil can be added to the mix if it stays sticky. Shampoo your hair, then let it air dry completely before separating it and applying the mixture. After about 30 minutes, rinse it out with warm water and proceed as usual with hair washing.

Yogurt Hair Mask

To enhance the shine and sleekness of damaged strands, mix one cup of yogurt with a tablespoon of olive oil. After 10 minutes, apply the mixture to your hair and rinse with warm water.

Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil Hair Mask

One tablespoon of coconut oil and two tablespoons of brown sugar should be mixed. After shampooing, work the mixture into the hair, paying special attention to the bleached scalp. After rinsing your hair thoroughly, apply your favorite conditioner.

Avocado and Olive Oil Hair Mask

Mix half avocado with a cup of olive oil. Apply the paste to your split ends after mixing all the ingredients in a basin with a fork. For best results, leave this one on for around 30 minutes.

Wash Less

Wash Less: bleached hair men and women every day, it will be difficult to repair
Wash Less: bleached hair men and women every day, it will be difficult to repair

Since the bleaching process removed the hair of the natural oils that keep hair looking soft and shiny, bleached hair is already dry.

Moreover, shampoo is made to remove oils and buildup, which further strips the hair. For people who wash their clothes every day, this is very crucial. If you wash your bleached hair men and women every day, it will be difficult to repair! Decrease your washing frequently and use dry shampoo to absorb excess oils.

Go Sulfate-Free

How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Go Sulfate-Free
How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Go Sulfate-Free

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Sulfates are harsh detergents that strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Moreover, since bleached hair is already dry, you should stay away from sulfate-containing shampoos.

Choose a shampoo without sulfates, which is gentler to your hair and will eliminate extra oils without stripping it.

Use A Rice Water Rinse

Best conditioner for bleached hair improves shine: Use A Rice Water Rinse
Best conditioner for bleached hair improves shine: Use A Rice Water Rinse

Another amazing DIY solution for bleached hair care is a rice water rinse. The water, which is made by soaking or boiling rice, has a variety of nutrients that strengthen all hair types.

Amino acids, minerals, vitamins B and E, antioxidants, and other hair-strengthening elements are rich in rice water. It strengthens hair follicles, best conditioner for bleached hair improves shine, and promotes more hair growth.

Simply soak or boil one cup of rice in one cup of water to make your own rice water rinse at home. After shampooing, use the strained (cooler) water and rinse after 20 minutes.

Deep Protein Treatments

How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Use Leave-In Conditioners
How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Use Leave-In Conditioners

A protein treatment might be necessary and one of the best hair treatments for bleached hair, the best deep conditioner for bleached hair if your bleached hair is severely damaged. These treatments are made to fill in the gaps left by your hair shaft being peeled away, giving your hair a stronger appearance and feel.

After bleaching, protein treatments can assist to strengthen weak and brittle hair. In fact, anyone who bleaches must use a protein treatment!

Creatine, keratin, collagen, and vitamin B5 are just a few of the ingredients found in most protein treatments that rebuild your hair’s cuticle, soften hair shafts, lessen breakage, and make hair easier to manage.

Use Special Oils That Are Formulated For Bleached Hair

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Use oils that have been created especially for bleached hair. The majority of these formulations contain argan, coconut, and olive oils, which give bleached hair strength and a natural glossy look.

Use Leave-In Conditioners

A leave-in conditioner is a no-rinse conditioner, meaning that it is not removed with water after using it. Usually, it is used on the hair right before styling and after washing. Most leave-in conditioners contain humectants, fatty alcohols, natural oils, and thickeners among other ingredients.

For bleached hair, leave-in conditioners have various advantages, such as

To ensure optimal effectiveness, be sure to adhere to the bottle’s instructions. Ideally, you should first wash your hair and condition it as usual. Apply your leave-in conditioner (without drying hair) after rinsing these out, and then brush your hair to spread it evenly. After letting your hair dry, style it as wanted.

Use A Silk Or Satin Pillowcase

Silk and satin pillowcases are best for bleached hair
Silk and satin pillowcases are best for bleached hair

For the following reasons, silk and satin pillowcases are best for bleached hair:

Frizz Protection

Unlike cotton pillows, satin does not cause hair follicles to clump up. This promotes less frizzing and ultimately prevents your already delicate, bleached hair from bleached hair breakage.

Moisture Retention

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Cotton pillowcases’ wicking properties cause them to tend to absorb moisture. Satin and silk pillowcases, on the other hand, are smoother and less likely to absorb moisture from your hair, preventing drying out and, eventually, breakage.

Use A Heat Protectant

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? If you must use heated styling tools, always protect your hair with a heat protectant. We think this one is great. Make sure to purchase one that offers 450-degree safety. This will minimize heat damage and keep your hair looking glossy and healthy.

In addition, most heat protectants can save drying times by thickening hair, smoothing hair, and decreasing frizz.

Lower The Heat

If you must use a blow dryer, straightener, or curling iron, use the lowest heat setting possible. We all know that giving up the blow dryer, straightener, or curling iron can be tough. This will lessen breaking and split ends, as well as aid to prevent damage.

Moreover, less heat can keep your color bright and fresh. Did you know that using too much heat on your hair can make it brassy and cause the color to fade? Not cute!

Maintain With Toner

Can you put toner on wet hair? It’s likely that your stylist put a toner on you if you had highlighted or bleached hair to cover up any undesirable tones like yellow or orange.

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Using a toner will keep your color appearing bright and fresh. A toner can keep blondes icy, cool, and ashy by reducing any yellow or warm tones. A toner can help eliminate unwanted brassy or orange tones for brunettes. Depending on your hair, toners may also assist deposit other colors into it, such as warm or red tones.

In summary, toners can maintain the brightness of your hair color so that you don’t have to bleach it as frequently. And less bleach means healthier, less damaged hair!

Use Color-Depositing Shampoos

Using shampoos that deposit color is another way to keep your color looking bright. Purple shampoos that help to lessen yellow tones in the hair are certainly familiar to blonde hair. You probably had no idea, though, that they also make color-depositing shampoos for hair that is brown, red, and more! For people who prefer to avoid frequent trips to the salon and keep their color looking bright, these color-depositing shampoos are perfect!

Simply lather, rinse, and repeat to use these shampoos like you would any other. You may need to apply it once a week or every other day, depending on how often you wash your hair. Color-depositing shampoos can help keep your hair color looking bright in between visits to the salon, much like toners can!

Get Regular Trims

Get Regular Trims: have long, healthy hair, get regular trims
Get Regular Trims: have long, healthy hair, get regular trims

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? If you really wish to have long, healthy hair, get regular trims! While cutting your hair when you’re trying to grow it out may seem paradoxical, trust me, it’s necessary.

Split ends will simply split the hair shaft more, which will eventually cause breakage. To keep your hair soft, silky, and healthy, you need to get rid of them.

Use A Good Brush

How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Use A Good Brush
How to make bleached hair soft and silky: Use A Good Brush

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? It’s important to use a high-quality brush and to take additional care not to break your hair off while brushing since damaged and bleached hair is more prone to tangles.

It’s also important to brush the hair very gently because hair is most fragile when it’s wet. Give your hair a nice brush before getting in the shower to prevent having highly tangled hair afterward, and be very gentle when using conditioner and shampoo to prevent big hair tangles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do with bleached hair breaking off when wet?

Your hair is weak and more likely to break during the first three weeks following your bleach treatment (and this is especially the case for wet hair). Washing hair further eliminates natural oils from the cuticle that are essential for healthy hair growth.

Do you shampoo after bleaching or not?

For the first 48 to 72 hours after bleaching your hair, it’s recommended to avoid washing your hair. Allow enough time for your hair to absorb its new color. Your cuticles stay open longer after a bleaching session because bleaching is such a volatile process.

Can you bleach damp hair?

Remember that the color of your strands won’t lift as much if you use bleaching wet hair as opposed to dry hair. This is due to the fact that the water in your hair will dilute the bleach, making the outcome softer. Can you bleach wet hair? Your colorist could use bleach on wet hair to make a slight color change.

Does bleaching your hair damage it or not?

Is bleaching your hair bad? Should I bleach my hair? Most likely, you have heard that coloring and bleaching your hair might damage it. It’s true that bleaching agents can damage your hair’s strands. Your hair may become likely to break, dry, brittle, and frizzy-looking as a result.

Can I dye my hair after bleaching or not?

Putting color over bleached hair right after bleaching if you feel that it is in good condition. This is also true if you intend to dye your hair using a gentler method, such as semi-permanent or demi-permanent dye.

How often can I bleach my hair for healthy hair?

How To Make Bleached Hair Soft And Silky? Because hair bleaching can cause chemical damage to hair, you shouldn’t bleach your hair more often than once every 8 to 10 weeks. It’s important to understand how damaging the process of hair bleaching is for your hair.

Should I wash my hair before bleaching it or not?

Should you wash your hair before bleaching it or not? It’s recommended to avoid washing your hair right before you start to bleach your hair. That’s because sebum, the natural oil found in your hair, protects your scalp during the process. The oil will reduce hair protein loss and irritation on the scalp.

What do I need to bleach my hair safely and healthily?

What do you need to bleach your hair safely and healthily?

Can I bleach my hair twice?

Can I bleach my hair twice in one day or need to bleach it in one week, or what? You can bleach your hair more than once if you want. However, before you start to do it, there are a few things you really need to consider. First of all, bleaching your hair can be damaging, therefore it’s essential to use a high-quality conditioner to maintain the health of your hair.

How long does bleached hair last actually?

How long should I leave bleach in my hair to have healthy hair? Or you may wonder “How long to keep bleach in hair? You will need to let your hair grow out in order to regain your natural hair color because bleached hair does not go back to being normal. Human hair usually develops by half an inch a month. It will therefore take two years to grow your hair out to the same length if it was 12 inches before bleaching.

How long should I wait to bleach my hair again to have healthy hair?

How to rehydrate scalp? It’s recommended to void bleaching your hair more than twice a week to keep your hair healthy. Moreover, you should wait 4 to 6 weeks before bleaching it once more. Your hair can rest, rehydrate, and recover from the effects of the initial bleaching session during this waiting period. Continue conditioning treatments and greasing your hair before the second bleaching session.

How long does it take to bleach hair thoroughly?

How long can you leave bleach on your hair? Depending on your hair color, the results you want, and the instructions on the bleach package, give it 20 to 45 minutes to work. To avoid over-processing, Tang recommends checking the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle’s back. Shampoo as soon as the timer goes off thoroughly.

How much is bleach for hair?

How much to bleach hair? Depending on how many packs or how large a tub you buy, bleach powder can range in price from $4 to $35. The price of powder outweighs that of crème, but you incur the risk of inhaling bleach particles. Creme lightener, often known as creme bleach, varies in price from $4 to $25.

Do you put toner on wet or dry hair, is it needed?

When using a toner, your hair needs to be lightly moist or towel-dried. Toner should be applied to your hair exactly when it is 70% dry. If you apply toner to somewhat damp hair as opposed to dripping wet or entirely dry hair, you will get greater results.

The Bottom Line

Bleached tips on how to make bleached hair soft and silky and what to do right after bleaching hair
Bleached tips on how to make bleached hair soft and silky and what to do right after bleaching hair

We’ve come through several bleached tips on how to make bleached hair soft and silky and what to do right after bleaching hair. One of the best ways to improve your look and show off your personality is to bleach your hair. Make sure to spend money on treatments that aid in water retention, strengthen hair shafts, and reduce breakage if you want to maintain your bleached hair soft and silky. 

Oil formulations, the best leave in conditioner for bleached hair, hair masks, and other treatments will help keep your hair strong and prevent the dryness and breakage that come with poor maintenance. You can keep your bleached hair looking healthy, strong, and glossy until your next retouch treatment by taking amazing care of it.

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